The Hug

Hugging should be prescribed by doctors.  It is a powerful cure that we still don’t know enough about.

Hugging heals hate.

Hugging cures resentments.

Hugging cures tiredness and alleviates sadness.

When we hug, we drop our armour. We instantly forget the things that made us lose our calm.

Hugging gives our soul peace.

When we hug, we stop being on the defensive, we allow others to approach our hearts. When we open our arms we open our hearts too.


There’s nothing like a hug. A hug that says, ‘I LOVE YOU’, a hug that makes you feel home. A hug that says, ‘I’m sorry’, a hug that says, ‘see you soon’, a hug full of understanding. Hugs say a lot.

When we hug, we are more than two people, we are family. We are available, accessible and a union.

Hugging should be prescribed by doctors because it rejuvenates the soul and the body.

For that, today, I am leaving you a hug, a hug full of respect, care and LOVE!!!


So, if you’ll let me:

I hug you!

I love you!


Love and peace


Australian Open 2021

Good morning full of joy, happiness and hope!

Today in the world of sports, the echoes of Osaka’s women’s and Djokovic’s men’s victories can be heard all over the world.

I feel I should share something with those who wish to get it. Of course, what is shared is done with the utmost respect and it is merely a feeling or opinion. To begin with, I would like to comment on the situation we are currently living in as a society and mankind. There is a strong need to live it from the unity of love. We will take it up later if you wish.

Some years ago (10 – 12 approximately) I shared with several players I coached the idea that in this world we are very distracted and sometimes even absorbed by the different circuses that are offered to us. The tennis, motor racing, Formula One, football, world championships, Olympics, Superbowl, 5 nations circuses apart from the politic one and a long etcetera.

We do not realise that all of that what truly makes us is being entertained with those to feel identified with some of them and at the same time with some of their main roles (either team or player). Consequently, my attention is diverted from what really matters in my life, to observe myself and find those things that prevent me from living from that happiness and harmony that

I want, and I try to find through those circuses among other things without realising it. Hopefully, we are aware that the solution to my happiness and harmony in my life is not in those circuses and the way their employees or workers behave.

Are we aware that we become critical, often ruthless and cruel judges of these people, workers or employees without being conscious and that is what, as a HUMAN BEING, does not contribute to my happiness and harmony? Judging and criticising do not contribute to the human being that we all are, it is, therefore, more diminished and damaged. That is the temptation we fall into without noticing it when we get passionately involved in all the circuses that surround us.

May we reflect on the time I dedicate to circuses and therefore, the time I spend between judgments and criticisms?

And, on the other hand, how much time do I spend looking into myself to learn from those things that I still have to evolve? Giving me affection and understanding instead of judgement and criticism for having them. But we are so used to judging and criticising that I automatically do it to myself.

Let me use the example of the Australian Open circus through the male ‘winner’ as I am very close to him.

After winning the title, people talk about Novak’s harmony and calmness and Medvedev’s lack of them. It is judged what one had, and the other did not. If we reread what was written the previous days to the match, we will see that it was Medvedev who did not even get upset and was very well instead of Novak.

Judgements and criticisms every day no matter to whom but what always remains is exactly these judgements and criticisms…

Do we realise (and I am not exempted since I would have a great problem if I believed that) the lack of understanding and acceptance we have towards the divine and marvellous shortcomings of others and of course also towards ours?

These circuses may unwittingly lead us to judge and criticise everything that is not to our own liking; an ode to selfishness and egocentricity. I only defend or criticise what is important and convenient for me according to my own interest. We are unconscious of our own selfishness.

And I am saying this with the utmost respect and affection! It is a reality that we all barely have this selfishness and that is what really makes us suffer…

Since the title achievement, it would be very easy for me to praise and compliment Novak’s good tennis and emotional match in addition to having wone the title. And even more considering the professional and personal relationship we have, which is a wonderful one.

But I do not feel I should do it. What I do wish to do is to express my understanding and affection for Medvedev, because as a human being, he is not perfect and has felt the fears that distress and destabilise every one of them. Daniil, I feel and I wish to tell you that I understand and support you. Moreover, I am very grateful because thanks to your experience in yesterday’s match, the importance of treating me with love, respect and acceptance are further reinforced. That is to say, LOVE ME regardless of my successes or mistakes. Rather than telling you what you could not do, I thank you for reminding me what I should do and not telling you with judgements and criticisms what you should have done. How tempting it is to criticise and judge what others do not do instead of using that time and energy to observe myself and work on what I still must learn… THANK YOU,

Daniil with all my heart!

And THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Novak, not for yesterday’s match neither congratulate you for your victory, NO.

THANK YOU for working so hard, looking into yourself with more and more affection, respect, acceptance and love, making your divine and marvellous shortcomings fewer and weaker to give way to that light you have as every human being. You could have lost the match yesterday and I would have also thanked you because that inner work and evolution that you have been doing for years as a human being can be appreciated. I feel privileged to be able to witness it. I would also like to tell you that every time that harmony gets away from you for a moment and you feel a pinch of fury, I understand you perfectly and that is when I have the feeling of understanding and love towards you and that human part that is also yours but has less and less control over you.

Daniil, I do not know you personally but still, I feel tremendous respect and love towards you. THANK YOU again for being able to learn through you.

Back to the circuses, it does not mean they are wrong. What is important is that they do not steal us our part of light and humanity leading us into the darkness of selfishness, separation, struggle and war or fighting.

Having shared this, let us observe the social moment we are currently living in. In most cases, our life is very similar to the example of the circus we have been talking about, that is to say;

I have a belief (which is not the same as an opinion. An opinion lets the other person have one.

On the other hand, beliefs try to make others believe what I believe) and I want and try to make everyone believe in what I believe. For that reason, tension, separation, wars or fighting could appear.

I have an opinion and I live as such, but I respect and accept even if I do not agree with other people’s opinion.

In these hard times we are living, we need to be closer than ever despite our differences.

LOVE (respect and acceptance) must be our togetherness.

I send you a big hug full of respect, affection, acceptance and love!


Peace & Love

Corona, thank you for…


Good afternoon full of Gratitude and LIGHT!

In these moments, in one way or another we are all living, I feel to share with all my respect, affection and LOVE this feeling that I have…

Corona, thank you for… 

  • Helping me to look inside and get to know myself much more than before

  • Forcing me to be at home more with the people that I love

  • For making me more disciplined with housework and chores every day 

  • For giving me more time to play and learn from my great teacher (my son)

  • For making me conscious of my ego 

  • For being able to hug my partner in life many more times throughout the day 

  • For discovering my dependencies and external attachments 

  • For giving me physical rest

  • For being able to see life from another prism 

And perhaps this applies for others too; for stopping me in my tracks following anger, rage, vices, insecurities… and thus being able to start living my life with more awareness and harmony. 

Thank you Corona!

Today I Decide To Be Me!

Good morning full of Joy and Happiness!

I’m sharing this feeling-thought with all my respect (to whomever wishes to read and receive it) personally,
it makes me more aware and helps me to grow a little more as a Human Being...


What is being me?

Think, act and express how and what I feel (without disrespecting others)

Perhaps some won’t like it, but I WILL DO IT ANYWAY as that's their business. My life is for me and not for them ...

Perhaps some are ashamed to be truly themselves, but I WILL BE MYSELF ANYWAY as that is their problem.

Maybe they will judge and criticize me but THEIR JUDGEMENTS AND CRITICISMS OF ME ARE THEIR PROBLEM and their business. They can waste their time judging and observing my life rather than focusing on their own if they choose.

Of course, I respect their attitude, but I don't share it or let it limit mine.

Maybe they won't want to continue their relationship with me, GREAT, BETTER KNOWING THAT than them only wanting me if I act at their will. That’s not the kind of people I want in my Life anyway...


Maybe they’ll try to gain more strength convincing others that I am not right and therefore they’ll try to intimidate me by the support of others. THERE, they waste time... concentrating on what others think can never bring Freedom or Happiness to my Life, just slavery. I really wish that someday you will realize that your Happiness can only be found in yourself and not in trying to change others...

What craziness ... why is there so much interest in meddling with other people’s lives... especially in judging and criticizing them... is it your life? NO, of course not. Perhaps you could observe why you have interest and a need to judge the lives of others...


P.S. something equally important that I must ask myself is;


I'm going to observe... as I don't want to impede on the lives of others!


Love & Peace 

Today is the most important day of my life!

And those who are reading are probably asking ‘why?’!
I’m going to add that it’s also the most important day of your lives too! Probably you’re searching synchronicities within our lives to try and figure out why it is so?
I’ll tell you why it’s the most important day of our lives…

Because today and only today, now and only now is the only moment in which things happen.
Yesterday and before already has passed and so it doesn’t have the power of today, here and now. And with regard to the future, the same thing applies, it has yet to arrive and so we still cannot live it!

That’s why today and only today is my only reality! Where everything is happening! I’m not going to waste it by taking from it what has already happened (past) or what can happen (future). Create your future by the acts you do now. So put all your efforts into planting the seeds today so that the future, without having to be in it, brings a good harvest!

Imagine if someone plants an apple tree and then spends all their time wondering about the future characteristics of the tree and its’ future fruits… How many apples will grow?  What size will they be? Will they be large or small? Will they taste good?

If the tree could speak, it would say;

Would you just water me and stop thinking about the future and how many apples I’m going to give you! You don’t have to worry yourself so much, just water me (be in the present and do the things that do you well). I will take care of all the rest in a few months when I’m ready to bring you the fruits.

DO NOT WORRY, just take care of your today (present moment) and you will see how it will improve your future!!!


I have decided to pay attention to the wise tree and focus on my today (present moment) by doing the best with what is in my hand whilst having faith that the rest will come according to what I ‘raise’ TODAY!


Only when tomorrow arrives will it be the most important day of my life.

Today is where life is. Everything yesterday and tomorrow is a trap that tries to steal me from my today – my life.

Love & Peace

Thank you sciatica!

Good evening full of harmony and calm…

I feel to share an experience for those who feel and wish…


A few years ago (about 20) a person who saw that I was changing many things in my way of living, thinking and acting said to me;

“Oooh Pepe, you are changing a lot aren’t you! You are very weird, maybe even a little crazy.”

The truth is that they were right, that my ways of thinking and acting were very different from before, but those changes gave me so. much more tranquillity and happiness in my life.


My reaction to that person’s statement (who was very close to me) could have been:

1-    That their comments make me feel weird and isolated from what is called “normal” and therefore made me stop acting, thinking and living as I felt and wanted to and pushed me to return to my previous state of discomfort, but I would at least then have been accepted by that person and every other “normal” person.

2-  Tell him: “Yes, it is true, that I think and act in a very different way to the way          did before, and if that is being weird and crazy, I will tell you that I want to be much weirder and crazier because that will make me even happier and bring even more tranquillity to my life. The change you have seen in me is the reason that I am now happier than before and much calmer and harmonious than ever before!”


Of course, if I responded with number 2, knowing full well that it wouldn’t be easy to have the respect of others…


I had the great fortune of being able to close my eyes and tell myself: whatever happens. I JUMP! And whatever they say, I prefer to have a little more peace, calm and harmony in my life every day. Being judged by many and not being accepted beats living in a way that I understand does not make me happy.


On that occasion there weren’t (and still aren’t) laws that prevented me from changing my way of thinking, acting and living. Although it is true that the pressure to which are subjected by the judgement of others sometimes acts with the force and vigour of a law. It is like a law not written on paper, but somehow more powerful, thanks to the judgments you receive from others.


Everything that I share is to arrive to the experience that I have had in the past 3 months.


I will summarise it without going into deep details to get to the point that I feel and want to share;


Three months ago, I had a mishap that made me have a very annoying sciatica, becoming very acute at times. I treated myself with an osteopath several times with no result.  I went to another, again, no result.

My infinite gratitude goes to all the people who have helped me so much through the years!


I had to resort to regular medicine, the chemical one, even having to prick myself on two occasions so I could insert the muscle relaxer needles. Still, my sciatica was there and getting worse by the day. I felt inside of me that this pain was stemming from a very important emotional issue. Anyway, finally yesterday I surrendered myself to a doctor… AND HERE IS WHERE I ARRIVE TO WHERE I WANTED.


Yes, she is a licensed doctor, but she mostly practices what they have begun to call "pseudo therapies" and more contemptuously deceitful and fake. She has mainly used Kinesiology and homeopathy in addition to other "pseudo therapies" throughout the years of her medical career. And of course, she does all of full of passion, Humanity and Honesty!!!


Well, thanks to this person and her knowledge in ‘pseudo therapy’, in the hour of writing this, I can say that the sciatica is 80% better. The best about it all is that what was indeed provoking it, was from an emotional block. It’s now down to me to face these issues head on. There is nothing I like more than to observe my Divine and Wonderful ‘lacks’ and put myself to work!


We have heard many a times and we continue to be bombarded by these attempts to badmouth a series of THERAPIES that can help us very much. The most worrying of all is that it’s trying to be prohibited by law so we won’t be able to use them!


It goes without saying that I don’t have anything against regular medicine, on the contrary, I have been tremendously grateful for it on many occasions in my life so far.


I am in fact the son and the grandson of GP’s. My extension of Gratitude goes to all those doctors- each and every one has spent years of preparation to be able to share their knowledge and try to help the sick. However, please do not steal from us the possibility of choice and don’t use lies as a tool to try and prohibit other kinds of therapies.


 Or better said, we shouldn’t be allowed to speak without experience and take others assumptions as truth, especially when they haven’t personally experienced what they’re talking about. There are definitely therapist’s with no shame in doing ‘bad’ things just like there are gardeners, cab drivers, mechanics, tennis coaches and doctors like that. But just because there are some bad ones, it doesn’t mean that every single one of them is bad.


In the media, it seems like only the bad ones are shown, not the ones that actually really help our health, balance us and are Honest and Human. I say balance us because at the end of the day, health is having alignment in not just our bodies, but alignment of habits, ways of acting, thinking and feeling to be in harmony of health too. We frequently search for the easy options, take a pill and the problem disappears. However, it just doesn’t work like this, and it just doesn’t take the problem away, it just masks it until a later stage when it reappears but with much more strength than before.


I know that the Person-Doctor that helped me balance my body today doesn’t need naming but I feel that what fills her soul is for information like this be released in this way, not just for her but for all the ‘pseudo therapists’.

So, I feel the necessity to name her in case anyone in any moment finds themselves wanting to see her. Life led me to her 11 years ago and it was because someone else told me about her and her Divine and Wonderful ‘pseudo sciences’. That’s why today, I feel to share my experience too.

In society today we are much quicker to say anything judgemental or critical than to speak of the good from others… why is that when it costs the same?


Katherine Polman is her name, and her office is in San Pedro de Alcantara (about 5km from Marbella).


Of course, there are many other doctors and I hope the number of them will keep growing. Both allopathic and holistic. Thanks to every one of them because all of them have the intention to help.


But please… do not let us steal the Freedom to choose and decide with the excuse that it is ‘to protect us’. We are not children and it is our responsibility to investigate and try things so we can decide for ourselves.


Thank you, Kati, thank you to every doctor who feels the desire to help in any which way they can.


And if you’ll let me finish by expressing how I feel…


The greatest medicine that exists, both in prevention and cure is LOVE!!!


The sciatica has taught me a little more about the lack of LOVE in my life! Instead of feeling sad it fills me with joy! I can continue to grow in my Divine and Wonderful shortcomings!



Thank you sciatica!

Thank you Kati!

Thank you scientific medicine

Thank you holistic medicine

Thank you FREEDOM




An infinite hug full of Respect, Affection and LOVE.

Novak, thank you for the great work you are doing as a Human Being

Good afternoon full of Joy and Happiness!

With all my respect, I wish to share something to those who wish to hear it. It’s something that may not be read in the mainstream press but would be wonderful to know.

The work on our Human Being is essential in any profession, at any level, ahead of anything else. It’s not social success that brings Happiness, Harmony and Peace to our lives but the awareness of who we really are as Divine and Wonderful Human Beings.

In my opinion, we live in a society where they encourage us to exalt people who do things “better” than others. We separate and distance ourselves from each other and we glorify, idolise and even worship the ones that do it “better”. Such a mistake and what a horror!

The press and the media cover everything that surrounds every new triumph achieved and they don’t stop inflating the character who has achieved it in an attempt to show us that they are “different”, sometimes even using adjectives that are so accepted and normal already yet so dangerous, such as the description of being “supernatural” or “unhuman like”

Unhuman... we are Human!

Unknowingly, we are accepting that yes, they are “better” and different and that is why they should be more respected than the rest. We, as a society are the first to give them that time and title. Because of this, they are given more “attention respect” (albeit an artificial Respect as it will be taken away as soon as they stop winning) than others.

Then we get surprised when our nieces or nephews suffer when they lose and get nervous either just before the game or even up to days before.


Because we have been convinced that I really need to “succeed” in order to be accepted and respected by society so we can then be treated with more attention than the rest ...

Too bad that we are so entangled in that viscous spider web of unconsciousness, to believe and try to fight to be more and better than others in order to receive those "privileges" of being different and better.

It does not interest the press and many others, because there is still a great mass that remains unconscious believing that the most important thing is success and triumph over the Divine and Wonderful Human Being that EVERYONE OF US ARE WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

That is why Novak, I would like to thank you for the great work you are doing as a Human Being over the character that society wants to create for your triumphs and sporting achievements.

If only they knew all the work you’ve put in these past weeks with Your Self...

Of course, you have trained on the court and in the gym impressively and then after with your physio sessions too, always in an impeccable and professional way! But what is little known is the Humility that you’ve had in order to be able to work on your Human Being, not falling into the temptation to believe and feel what all those millions of people tempt you to believe, that you are incredible, that your last triumph in Wimbledon is branded as the "best" so far, for being the "number 1" and therefore "better" than the others.

You work to avoid falling into the grip and jaws of the ego that pretends to make you believe different is "better" and so therefore you’re more respected and more heroic than others.

You know very well that this is a complete illusion, because just as quickly as you stop "winning" they will take it away to give it to the next one, making you believe that they then are the most important and amazing... You have also had the privilege of knowing it from your own experience ... Two years ago you were judged, criticized and questioned because you no longer "won" like you used to and all the "privileges" of flattery and dazzling adjectives disappeared, only for them to now return and be granted as if they were medals that are removed and then put back on...

But you work on your Human Being above your character, your facet of husband and father, brother, friend...

During these 3 weeks it has been fundamental for you not to feel “better” than anyone else and to digest your success in Wimbledon with Humility and recognise what it entails professionally speaking. Of course, you train and work for those kind of titles with desire and intensity and enthusiasm but without losing the priority of the Human Being that you are before all that.

Therein lies the difference, to prioritise the Human Being that we are before the character that they try to build around the titles that are added in to our lives.

And when I say titles, it can also be in reference to finishing degrees of medicine, architecture, botany, law and teaching ... but we don’t become doctors, architects, professors ... rather we are still Divine and Wonderful Human beings who are dedicated to agriculture, medicine, architecture, teaching and that doesn’t make us better or worse.

That is why Novak, I want to Thank you for being an example and somehow a pioneer (in the world of high competition) in putting your work as a Human Being (in recent years) before your profession that you do so well, but that you do not think so better than the others.

It has been and is a privilege and gift to be a spectator and companion of your Wonderful process in these 7 years.


Hopefully it will be an example for all of us ... it would be so wonderful if we all help and encourage the little ones to take that path of putting the Human Being before triumphs and titles ...

Let us each place our grain of sand, starting with us not educating in values but living those values and being an example of them ...

To you, Divine and Wonderful Human Being reading this, whether or not you agree with this opinion that has been shared, let me send you an infinite hug full of Respect, Affection and LOVE...


Selfishness Destroys and Separates Us

Good Afternoon full of harmony and calmness…

I feel like sharing a tough that has given way to an emotion… And always from the most absolute respect to anyone who might think or feel differently. Because what’s about to be shared has no intention to teach or tell anyone how to think.

Here it goes with all my LOVE and respect:

Our physical body is composed of millions of cells, and these cells are part of our organs and different areas of our body.

Imagine for a second that our cells became crazy and started to believe as individual beings that they are more important that the other ones, and the started to compete and create rivalries, causing jealousy and envy amongst them and even fight and destroy the other cells to become more worthy and get more recognition. 

For example, imagine the cells on the right hand fighting against the cells on the right elbow and these ones at the same time fighting against the cells on the right shoulder all in all to be the best in the right arm? 

Let’s think the cells in the right shoulder win this battle. Because of their unconsciousness they will think it has been a success to eliminate the ones in the right elbow and hand, as they then become the only responsible cells for the whole arm. But very quickly they will learn that killing the other parts of the arm, has caused its mobility as a whole to deteriorate significantly (due to the loss of the right elbow) and the ability to grab things has completely disappeared because of the death of the cells in the right hand.

But maybe they think this way: “well, let’s win over the left hand and we solve the problem”…

The right arm begins invading the left and starts a fight against it (which was in harmony), battling against the left shoulder, and then the left elbow “winning” over the left hand. But the left hand fought ferociously and caused it to lose several of its abilities. The right arm thought consequently: “now we need to win over the legs and feet so we can move and go to places far away”. And started more fights to achieve its goal…

It continued consecutively until what it used to be a body in complete harmony and full of abilities became a very weak and deteriorated one that suffered and suffered till death, caused by all the wounds and harm from numerous fights and wars…

Don't you think that we as individuals-cells (close to seven thousand million people in the world) are separating ourselves and weakening as humanity? As well as killing our home, Mother Nature?

What are we doing?

Most likely some may say: “True, these awful wars between countries and governments due to their wish for power are killing us!!!”

That might be true, but on the one side of the scale 100 kgs count the same way as 1 Kg, both add up to the total end, right?

I cannot change what you or the others do, but I can change what I do. Judging another cell is not the same as hitting it or steal from it, but at the end it is an attack as well… and that cell-person that I am criticising might think that it has nothing to do with me (maybe it is a foot cell and I am  one from the shoulder), but in a way we are a part of the same…

It is so easy to see faults in others and so difficult to see our destructive actions, as little as they might be… don’t you think?

And honestly, please don’t take it personally, as this which I am sharing is who I am saying it to, so that tomorrow I can wake up a bit more ready and conscious to act from a place of LOVE (in other words, respect and acceptance) towards others even if I don’t agree with their actions. In the end, if one starts a big fire on one side of the mountain and another person a little one in a different hill of the same mountain, it still burns and causes damage, even if it is much less…

Wouldn’t it be better to plant and water it than burn it?

And the most important of all… Before we worry about the world and how to take care of it, let’s start with taking care of ourselves. Respecting us, accepting us and not starting a war with myself…

Let’s start LOVING more in order to then share LOVE with others…

Yes, maybe some think it is impossible and a utopia… All my respect towards them.

But the one who starts to LOVE, respect and accept himself will see that it feels really good and on top of that, it is much easier to understand and respect others!!!

If there is a big fire in The Mountain, one might think:

“The mountain is already on fire so it won’t matter much if I throw this cigarette because it will burn anyway…”

Someone else might say: “I am going to take a bucket full of water and help to put the fire out!!!”

If there are few who take a bucket to fill it with water and throw it towards the fire, it truly will burn anyway, but if the group of people is very big, full of desire and illusion to extinguish it, they will put it out for sure!!!

And I ask you who are reading this:


Do you want to finish this way of living that is so inhuman, full of personal interests, lies, control, betrayals…? That thanks to all of us (and no one is excluded, as little as it might be), who have created this? As the first and most important bucket is to start with oneself, not judging, critiquing or insulting oneself (even if it is a simple… “you are so stupid!!” Remember that it all adds up).

Let’s end the fire with LOVE!!! If you think it is a utopia at least don’t throw the cigarette towards the burning fire as it doesn’t help!!!

Why don’t we LOVE-RESPECT AND ACCEPT ourselves with every single one of our Divine and Wonderful imperfections and limitations?!! That way we won’t need to win over anyone of prove we are better than anyone because WE ARE ALL ONE!!! WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!!

Hopefully we can live from that consciousness!!

With all my respect, I take this opportunity to send you a big hug full of Respect, Care and LOVE!!!



How Love Saves Lives

Good afternoon full of light. And I say light with the desire that each of us are able to carry light from within. That same Divine and Wonderful light that every Human Being carries in us in an intrinsic but forgotten way...

Life, by circumstance often places me next to people who live very hard, heartbreaking moments, to the point of even thinking about trying to end their lives... I understand them very well and empathize with them, but not because I know more than others or have studied more about it, but because I was in that situation 25 years ago.
From here all my respect, acceptance, affection and above all, LOVE towards them!


But I know that this isn’t enough... that’s why the start of the process is to start LOVING oneself...
I know this because I loved many people close to me and especially my family, but I despised myself...
I couldn’t use their LOVE whilst I did not feel love inside of me.

If you’ll allow me, I will share my last experience that I shared with a Divine & Wonderful Human Being that I had the privilege of getting to know. When we met she wasn’t yet conscious and from there came her suffering...

First of all, I will say that I’m not capable of curing anybody because of any Divine grace or knowledge, I will take the opportunity to say that I do not have any university degree of any kind.
The only thing I have is my own experience and that’s thanks to Life or God or Universe or as however each one wants to refer, which helped me to walk a path that led to LOVE and as I got closer, I felt that the fear and the loathing that I held towards myself and the desire to destroy myself diminished, to make way for Affection and Care.

My greatest Respect and Gratitude goes to those who have university degrees/ courses... and I want to thank them for all they do.

So here I am sharing this very strong feeling I have due to a recent experience with this Divine and Wonderful person/Soul that Life put me with.

Everything started two months ago when I received an email from a person (let’s call her B to protect her anonymity) through the web page where she shared her emotional state.
I felt to reply to the email and the next thing that happened was a phone call as she lived and still lives in the USA.

When I spoke with her, I felt and recognized the broken Soul that accompanied me 25 years ago. During our conversation she felt it would be good to come to Marbella to be able to share her story and also for me to share my journey so far.

In the weeks of her being in Marbella, what I found was a Human Being with such a Divine and Wonderful light... but she was not aware of it. On the contrary, she felt like...shit.
To be clear, she felt that she didn’t deserve to live.

When I looked in her eyes, what I felt was so much LOVE. So, so much LOVE... She was successful at what she dedicated herself to, but nevertheless she did not nourish her Being. She would always demand more and more of herself. Until there came a point where her successes no longer served her for anything.
She wasn’t yet conscious of who she really is.
There I was, in front of such a beautiful Human Being... with so much Light...

And everything started;

During the five days that she was in Marbella she became aware of who she really was as a Human Being. She grew to learn what was tearing her apart and leading her to the abyss and how it had moved her away from her true identity.
This Soul is and was always such a Wonderful, Divine Soul full of Light and unlimited LOVE.

Nevertheless, she felt guilty about a lot of things and on top of that, she felt inadequate and like a bad person on many occasions, to the point that even when someone did something wrong to her, she took it as all her fault. Whenever people were angry with her, it was her fault. When people were sad with her, it was her fault. Tremendous but true!

I just looked at her eyes, and I listened to her with LOVE, and I felt a lot of LOVE in the form of Empathy & Respect.
On numerous occasions my Soul expressed itself just through the tears that ran down my cheeks.

When B emptied herself of telling her experiences, for a few minutes I just stayed looking at her through her eyes and feeling her Divine Light.
Something from the deepest part of my Being made me feel like sharing something with her, so I asked her, “Can I share something with you B?”

She nodded...

So, for about two hours I shared what I felt from the deepest part of my Being. Everything was loaded with LOVE and feeling, without judgement, without observations, only LOVE. I shared with B my journey to date.
To know who we really are so we can come to this Life experience and know that we really are, Divine & Wonderful Beings!!!

In this Life experience we will do many things but we should never let those things that we do or dedicate ourselves to, be put in-front of who we really are. Self-Respect, Acceptance and Affection is what makes up LOVE, and that LOVE is the most important thing and number one priority.

Every day, B’s Wonderful Soul began to feel the truth of who it really was!!!
You should have seen and felt her Person/Soul/Being... so beautiful and full of Light... with each day, she began to rediscover who she really is and always was... A Divine and Wonderful Being!!!

B then returned back to the USA and two weeks later she had some professional commitments which we both felt that could possibly lead to a state of stress so we agreed it would be good for me to go with her.
So, guided by my feeling, that’s what I did.

From the very first day of arriving in the USA, it was magical to see how this Soul had evolved so very much in just 10 days.
Now it was time for her to face her past unconsciousness (which had previously made her do things for others that didn’t suit her, being in places that she didn’t want to be in all in the hope to receive crumbs of approval from others), she realized that she needed to start confronting them, without the fears of not being liked or accepted that paralyze people.

B now had true Respect for herself and so didn’t need much of that from others around her. B was gaining more and more awareness of the Divine and Wonderful Being that she is, not because of what she does and how well she does it but simply because B had started to LOVE herself!!!
And so, the cleaning begins!

The last days when you looked in her eyes, you could already feel her Wonderful Light was also on the outside and how she was being able to start seeing it for herself!
How far away was the disgust she once had for herself... it seemed like it had never existed!!!

Light seemingly started to whatever she did or said, the light filled the place with its presence.

I am now back in Spain and during the whole journey back, I couldn’t stop crying from my overwhelming feeling of Gratitude to Life, firstly, for giving me the opportunity 25 years ago to teach me to LOVE and Respect myself as a Human Being as LOVE was literally what saved my life.

And secondly, to have the privilege to share it with others.

I know I cannot explain on this page the process of years and years in my case, and just a few weeks in B’s case. But I felt that the last experience had been so Divine, that it has in turn made me relive and go through other peoples experiences in recent years too.

In the end, the summary is;
LOVE = Respecting, Accepting and being Grateful towards one self.

Every thought, desire or action you make is loaded with LOVE!!!

THANK YOU Life for this gift of having been able to share it with that Divine and Wonderful B...

To everyone that suffers... All my LOVE...

Responsibility Over Guilt

Good afternoon full of happy and joyful greetings! I am sharing my feelings with you with all respect and love, in case anyone should feel to read them. I write this without any intention of teaching or making out this is so, I just want to share this with you with all my LOVE...

There are many destructive emotions but the fault perhaps lies with our elders. Have you ever stopped to notice the times you have felt guilty of something?

Guilt exists if we live in the illusion of ego. Understanding the ego is to understand the belief that I am my body, my name, my job, how I do it and what other think of me.

If we live from the ego then guilt will often attack and trap us. Because it makes us believe that:

My body isn’t up to the accepted or admired standard. And I feel to blame for that.

What I do for a living and how I do it isn’t good enough, or as good as those around me, and I am to blame.

Other peoples’ opinions of me, their judgement and their criticism makes me feel inferior and I am to blame.

And many more things like this...

But all of them can only live through the unconscious belief that I am simply a physical body.

How cruel guilt is, how stingy guilty is, how unfair guilt is, how insensitive guilt is, how murderous guilt is....

Yes, guilt is a killer – however uncomfortable this word is, it is a killer.
There are many people who can’t cope with so much guilt, and in effort to rid themselves of it use drugs, alcohol, sex...and for a few moments these strong experiences overcome the distress of living in guilt. Even on occasions taking their life in the belief that they will end the unbearable pain that guilt produces.

However, guilt can’t exist if we gain consciousness of who we really are!

Who we really are is Divine and Wonderful Human Beings!!! Call it Soul, Being, Energy... however you feel most comfortable. But that really is who we are. And that Being/ Soul is what gives life to our physical bodies.

Have you ever stopped to think that a mother or a father of a babe in arms (who hasn’t yet been captured by society or by any of the ego/body/profession/opinion illusion) – and people said that their child isn’t good enough or slow or incapable....these parents would find it ridiculous and wouldn’t be influenced by anything anyone said about their baby, because they’re fully aware that the baby is the most Divine and Wonderful thing they’ve ever known, because their baby is still pure soul, energy who hasn’t been corrupted by the ego illusion.

But if the same situation is repeated, at 10, 15, 20 etc years old, I’m sure those parents wouldn’t have the same certainty and they’d be more affected by the fact that their child has been judged to be not good enough.

Crazy! Don’t you think?

To think that the same Divine Being that was years ago, has now been captured too by society and its tentacles that make us live from our ego and thus disconnect us from our light.

What’s it all for? Because very soon in life we forget what we really are and we come to believe that we are just our names, surnames, bodies, whatever we dedicate ourselves to and however well we do it, only to await the verdict that others give us. Of course, if we don’t meet expectations then guilt has the door already open to pull us inside.

But please, to you who is reading this, pause for a few moments to remember who exactly you really are...


Yes, you can live with your body as a partner and dedicate yourself to certain things in your daily life and spend time with other Divine and Wonderful Human Beings.
Of course, there will be things that you will learn you’re better or worse at than them. But these things will make you feel like more or less than them because you are still a Divine and Wonderful Human Being just as they are too.

Just like that, guilt will not have a space in your life.
It will be like a louse that lives in a head or hair if you shave the hair off completely the louse can no longer cling to anything.
If we free ourselves from the illusion of the ego, guilt will have nothing to cling to.

And so what happens is that we will give way to the RESPONSIBILITY of the acts we do and when they’re wrong, we wont feel guilt, but instead responsibility, this will be like taking conscience and through that we will learn. But without the destructive whip that is guilt.

All of this has been evoked because I am on a long flight and watching a movie about a father and son (I must say and very loving and good father, in my opinion). The son who is around 17 years old and in a rehab center for drug abuse was granted permission to spend Christmas Eve at his family home. The son, for the first time in a long time was feeling very much in a state of LOVE and consciousness but something happened in the house that evening of which he had nothing to do with and the father furiously yelled at him “You see, whenever you come home something awful always happens. It’s all your fault”.

The boy was so taken aback he ran from home... Unconsciously he was accepting all the guilt that was thrown at him and he felt terrible. He was trying to suppress the impulse to use again but he was struggling.
His mother ended up going out looking for him and before he had the chance to consume the drugs she found him and hugged him and told him she loves him and that he is the most beautiful thing that has ever existed in life.

Whilst still hugging the pair of them cry and cry and cry from LOVE.

Even though it was just a film, I want to take the opportunity to tell the father to not feel guilty for saying what he said. Only take the responsibility to try to not say it again.

Ok so, you know what?

Now it’s me who is crying and crying from LOVE, through the gift from the movie, LIFE has reminded me once more to be even more conscious of how vital it is to be conscience of what and who we really are... DIVINE & WONDERFUL SOULS who should never feel guilty, only responsible...